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Recipe of Ultimate Pan Fried Guinea Fowl Breast

Hey everyone, welcome to my recipe page, If you're looking for recipes idea to cook today, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Pan Fried Guinea Fowl Breast recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Pan Fried Guinea Fowl Breast

Before you jump to Pan Fried Guinea Fowl Breast recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Energy Raising Snack foods.

Ingesting healthy foods can make all the difference in the way we feel. Increasing our intake of well balanced meals while reducing the intake of unhealthy types plays a role in a more balanced feeling. Eating more fresh vegetables helps you feel much better than eating a portion of pizza. This can be a problem, nevertheless, with regards to eating between meals. Finding snacks that will help us feel better and enhance our stamina often involves lots of shopping and scrupulous reading of labels. Here are some healthy snacks that can be used when you need a quick pick me up.

Healthy foods made from whole grains are excellent for a quick snack. Starting your day with a piece of whole grain toast can give you that extra boost you need to get going. Chips and crackers made from whole grains can be great for quick snack foods to eat on the go. Make the shift from refined products just like white bread to the healthier whole grain alternatives.

You can find lots of healthy snacks you can choose that don't involve a lot of preparation or searching. When you make the determination to be healthy, it's uncomplicated to find exactly what you need to be successful at it.

We hope you got insight from reading it, now let's go back to pan fried guinea fowl breast recipe. You can cook pan fried guinea fowl breast using 10 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.

The ingredients needed to make Pan Fried Guinea Fowl Breast:

  1. Take 4 of @ 125 g of guinea fowl breasts (skin off) / 4½ oz ..
  2. Take 4 of @ 75 g of ham thick lean steak pieces * / 2½ oz ..
  3. Get 100 g of apple eating (cored and sliced into 4) / 3 ½ oz ..
  4. Take 35 g of walnut pieces / 1½ oz ..
  5. Prepare 300 ml of chicken stock / 10 fl . oz ..
  6. Prepare 4 tablespoons of crème fraîche (low fat).
  7. Take 1 tablespoon of aspartame.
  8. Prepare ½ teaspoon of black pepper ground.
  9. Provide of “ Spray2Cook ” (a word used to describe any low-cal. non-stick cook’s oil spray).
  10. Provide of * the same size as the breasts.

Steps to make Pan Fried Guinea Fowl Breast:

  1. Pre-heat an oven (200oC / 400oF / Gas Mark 6) together with a roasting tin for the guinea fowl breasts..
  2. Put a fry pan sprayed with Spray2Cook on a medium to high heat until the Spray2Cook is bubbling. Fry the guinea fowl breasts for 2 minutes on each side. Transfer to the roasting tin and cook for 12 minutes. Test they are cooked with a sharp knife pressed into the thickest part and then set aside covered in foil to rest for 10 minutes..
  3. Pre-heat a broiler / grill set at high. Use the fry pan (again sprayed with Spray2Cook) to cook the apple and walnuts together. Cook until the apple is soft and lightly browned on both sides. Transfer to a baking sheet and sprinkle the apple with aspartame. Place under the broiler / grill until golden..
  4. Microwave the ham pieces until cooked (or warmed through if pre-cooked) and set aside under the foil with the guinea fowl..
  5. Pour the stock into the fry pan and boil vigorously until reduced by about a half. Stir in the crème fraîche..
  6. Serve the ham with the guinea fowl on top. Spread over the apple and walnuts and pour over a little crème fraîche sauce..

If eggs are purchased by mail order, it is important to Guinea Fowl eggs are about the size of a medium chicken egg with a much thicker shell. Cracking the eggs on the lip of a frying pan will surprise you. To prepare the guinea fowl, first remove the legs and wings by neatly severing the joints with a sharp knife or poultry shears. Split the carcass by cutting through the rib cage from front to back, parallel to the backbone. Pull the backbone section away from the breast section, then cut down between the.

If you find this Pan Fried Guinea Fowl Breast recipe useful please share it to your friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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